Tour de Fromage - a tale of two adventurers
Cassy is a certified cheeselover.  As if you didn’t already know.

But she took it to a new level on our second last day in New York.  Cassy officially hit double figures by eating no less than 11 different cheeses in a 12 hour period.  It may have been more – who can tell really.

We hit the Chelsea Food Markets and Cassy immediately searched for the cheese shop.  When she saw the sign for the cheese shop she gave new meaning to the word beeline – barging through groups of strolling New Yorkers who happened to cross her path.

The first cheese was a cheddar she tasted at the cheese stall.  The kind man gave her directions to the other cheese stall and a hot tip that they were doing toasted cheese sandwiches for lunch.  So we went to the other cheese stall and there was another cheese to taste on the counter.  Which she did.  We then shared  a cheddar and fig toasted sandwich.   Two cheeses

Then it was back to the first cheese shop to sample more of their wares.   We tried four different cheeses, buying portions of two of them.   Six cheeses.  Cassy also bought another cheese untasted.  But it was not long until we were in the cupcake shop eating cupcakes and Cassy felt the urge to taste the untasted cheese.  Seven cheeses.

We returned home to dress for our big night out at Balthazar.  We met at Balthazar in Perth and could not resist a night out at its New York namesake.  We did not review the meal there – instead enjoying a romantic French bistro meal without feeling the need to photograph every dish.  I will review it here.   When you are next in New York, go to Balthazar.

We finished the meal with a cheese platter.  Which contained four cheeses.  I must admit that each cheese was a delight – the finest four cheeses that I have ever tasted on the one plate.  Eleven cheese.  

There may have been more on that particular day.  Perhaps a cheese or two found its way into Cassy’s dishes at Balthazar.

There is a rather sorry and cheesy end to this tale.  We still had the cheeses we bought that day when we left New York.  So we took them on the plane with us to London.  And as we were descending into London the hostesses made the customs announcement “most dairy products are forbidden”.  Suffice to say there was a cheese eating frenzy in our aisle as the plane circled towards the landing strip! 
