Tour de Fromage - a tale of two adventurers

So I picked up Ross River Virus.  Probably on our New Year's Trip to Kununurra.

Symptoms include swollen joints, incessant whining, sore eyes, incessant whining, joint pain, incessant whining and lethargy.   But not your normal sleep 18 hours a day can't get out of bed lethargy (although there is a little bit of that).  More a sloth like inability to get motivated about anything.  And a desire to stay firmly planted on the couch where the sore joints get sorer and the mind starts to think that maybe a life frumping about is a worthwhile life.

Sounds like the perfect ailment to have when you are about to embark on a long cycling tour of Europe. N'est pas?  (I have still managed to find the energy to read my old high school French books).

But there is a massive upside to the RRV. Now we won't have to fork out for an electric bike for Cassy so that she can keep up with me in the Pyrenees.  It is like a handicap system.


PS (My RRV hasn't stopped me posting on our website.  Unlike Cassy's exam mania...)

P.P.S. It's me, the other. Babe - you totally forgot to mention how the RRV has made you into a MASSIVE whiner! How did you forget that? RRV got your brain?
I will NOT need a motor for my bike. If I hav to - I will break one of your long, long legs to ensure I can keep up.
I ride unaided.

P.P.S.S.  What happened to the rule about not spraying graffiti all over the other's blog.  I will be showing this to our existential detectives.

P.P.P..S.  what the hell? There was no such rule! You didn't let me know that rule! Besides - I TRIED to put it in as a comment, but Weebly foiled me (I was too dumb). Is this graffiti too? Or is it coversation now that you've answered? Why can't I put in comments??
P.P.P.P.S. I don't think you're meant ot

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