Tour de Fromage - a tale of two adventurers
Today was the day we found out whether our meticulous travel planning was somehow flawed.  The day of the trial pack.
Our trip has two major phases.  The shortish tour of North America and the longer ride around Europe.  We needed a packing plan that could handle both phases of the trip.
We are visiting the Red Egg (aka Michael, aka That ranga who isn't the PM, aka Cassy's brother, aka Rara) in Vancouver for a week. Then we are heading to New York for a fortnight.  This part of the trip will be the walking shoes and sightseeing part of the holiday.
The second part of the trip is "la grande boucle", the four month bicycle ride around Europe.  This part of the trip will be the bicycle shoes and camping part of the holiday.
Our packing plan would need to include clothing, footwear, cycling accessories, toiletries, travel books, electronics, camping equipment, tents, sleeping bags, mattresses and hair colour (look out Red Egg - time for a restyling!)
How would we handle these two different holidays?  Send our bikes and carriers to Europe and meet them there?  Would we take trailers or panniers?  What would we do if we decided to take luggage on the first part of the holiday?
Our solution was elegant in its simplicity and simple in its ability to provide us with bragging rights
Someone thought long and hard whilst designing our bike trailers.  The Radical Designs Cyclone III trailers convert from bike trailers to walking trailers which is so handy for walking through airports and train stations.‐trailers/cyclone‐iii/cyclone‐iii

Tonight we did the trial pack.  Miracle of miracles - everything fits in our funky little trailers.  On top of our fabulous trailers we are just taking a rack pack (Cassy) and a front pack and pannier (Jamie).
And by now, the reason for the hair colour should be obvious.  We don't want to arrive in New York after a week in Vancouver and find that we have mistakenly packed the Red Egg and left one of our trailers in Vancouver.
And what about bikes, I hear you asking?  Well we made the difficult decision to buy new bikes when we arrive in Europe.  We are both so excited!

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