Tour de Fromage - a tale of two adventurers
Mike, Jamie and I spent the day walking around downtown Vancouver, getting our bearings and checking out the beautiful town. It was a brisk 6 degrees, but the walking and frequent food/hot drink breaks made it perfectly tolerable.
We headed out from Mike's pad on Keefer place, and made our way via central Vancouver to the Burrard Inlet. Vancouver central is on a penninsula, surrounded by water and views of snow capped mountains on all sides. It's stunning, and the mountains inspire awe whenever they sneak into view.

The city has some beautiful architecture, and a strong 'arty' feel with many installations and sculptures. It's a neat and clean city, and the traffic is orderly and gives way to pedestrians - which is nice after Derby traffic (sorry Derby, but it's true).

The convention centre (below) puts the Perth one slightly (vastly) to shame - it is a huge and well designed building with a rooftop garden (inaccessible, we found...) and contains 3 giant flying straw eggs. We liked the eggs.

We stopped for lunch at Templeton - an original refurbished 1950s diner. The menu was extensive and included healthy vego/vegan options, original diner food choices as well as the Canadian classic "poutine" - chips with gravy and cheese curds and tomato sauce. We gave that one a miss, and had fab salads instead. All was well except my sesame tuna looked suspiciously like chicken...and I ate it, and it was. 2 years of pescatorian-ism ruined in one FOWL swoop. Damn. We didn't have to pay for the tuna though... 

The pic below is Jamie and Mike wandering back through downtown Couv - I was a bit taken with the strange green colour of the roof behind them, although the cold overcast day washed the colour out a little.

The final pic is the boys playing in the mud with some large friends they found on our stroll.

3/3/2011 03:46:12 pm

It is nice to see that you are having good time. These sculptures are amazing (second picture) and the mud men as well (are you missing the mud?) . Jorge was baptized in Hash as a Speedy Gonzales ... very appropriate name...hahahaha. Have fun... I miss both of you.

3/3/2011 08:24:21 pm

The emerald coloured roofs are very common in some North American cities, you'll especially see alot of them in New York ;)

Try and see a Canucks game while there, they're the best team in the league atm!

3/4/2011 12:02:23 am

god dam you guys i have to watch all this for another 4 months and all i did today was to pull some belly button hair from my ears!

3/4/2011 07:10:00 pm

Get cheesing you fromage freaks!

3/5/2011 10:25:34 am

Pahahaha and in scintilating updates from tonight - the whole gang has gone to watch an ice hockey game - while I couch up with take out chinese to properly enjoy my hangover from last night's festivities! The joy of gettin''s 6:30pm and I'm still in pjs and missing the game....dang.
Miss you all Aussies (and South Americans!!) xxxxxx

4/1/2011 06:12:45 pm

Speech is the image of actions.


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