Tour de Fromage - a tale of two adventurers
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What is the point of going on a fantastic adventure if you don't have a leaving party?

Last night we had our "And Now For Something Completely Different" party.  Everyone was challenged with dressing in a "British Comedy" themed costume.

We arrived and set up the party and then waited for the first guests to arrive.  45 minutes later our friends started arriving which is pretty good for the Kimberley.

And just as the first guests started arriving the wind gusted and the sky opened up to drench our little gathering.  Our costumes were dampened but not our spirits.

Some of Derby's weaker types took the weather as an excuse for staying at home.  And what we lacked in quality we made up for in quantity.  In other words we drank a lot of booze.

Check out our cast of characters below.

2/24/2011 03:17:24 pm

that blonde in the grey dress is a hottie!


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